Through our nonprofit,
become a certified
Moral Courage® Mentor

Led by the New York Times bestselling author and educator, Irshad Manji, the Moral Courage nonprofit team is on a mission: to build a diverse community that teaches people to engage productively about polarizing issues.
As a certified Mentor, you’ll teach people how to achieve diversity without division by practicing the Moral Courage Method of communicating across divides. And you’ll teach this within your work environment — be it a company, school, nonprofit, or government agency.
You benefit by gaining a unique set of skills that’ll make you stand out from the crowd. Your employer benefits by having in-house talent (you!) who’ll mentor co-workers to build a culture of inclusion and innovation. It’s a win-win.
Training involves 3 hours per week, including periodic classes on Zoom, over 4 months. Our next cohort of Mentor-candidates will begin on Sunday, April 23, 2023. Applications are due by 5 pm Eastern Time on Saturday, March 11, 2023.
In selecting candidates, we give priority to people who apply in pairs. If you want to apply, find someone from your workplace who’ll apply with you. That way, you’ll have a practice-and-support buddy not only during the training, but also at work. Plus, your employer will be motivated to see this training as professional development that should be paid for by the workplace.
Tuition is U.S. $7,000 total for the pair (U.S. $3,500 per enrollee). Approach your employer to cover this fee because you’ll be teaching diversity without division at work. In the spirit of bringing this practice to young people, a limited number of scholarships are available to public school teachers.
All would-be applicants must first take our “Diversity Without Division” online course. Completing this prerequisite will help you clarify whether you’re passionate enough about Moral Courage to invest time, energy, and money into becoming a certified MC Mentor.